
Bed Management

A digital solution that manages patient flow across the hospital, providing an instant snapshot of bed availability and status.

Electronic Bed Board

Provide real-time monitoring of bed occupancy and increase the utilisation and capacity of of your wards using our electronic bed board.

Replacing the manual whiteboard that many wards still rely on, the electronic bed board eliminates the onerous work involved in constantly updating patient information and the potential errors when information is not regularly updated – for example, simple colour coding enables staff to see at a glance which beds are free or who is waiting to be discharged.

Analyse bed occupancy and usage

Information can be filtered by ward, bed type, bed status and gender; whilst statistical information includes:

  • Total number of beds
  • Available and unavailable beds
  • Current bed occupancy
  • Unavailable capacity of the ward
  • Reserved beds
  • Proposed bed transfers
  • Allocation of patient and bed status discharge times


Smarter scheduling, easier compliance and faster billing.
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