Contract Management

Contract Management

Say goodbye to complex pricing arrangements and hello to automated, accurate arrangements with insurers and purchasers.

Work smarter. Not harder

Compucare is designed to help you reach your financial goal efficiently. Our unique approach to contract management uses master templates – created with a comprehensive set of billing rules – that subsequent contracts are effortlessly built upon. Price changes can be setup in advance and implemented when required.

Billing rules include:

  • Daily package and standard charge items
  • Fixed price and theatre packages
  • Dispensing fees
  • Discounts by price range or for a group of items
  • Hourly charging
  • Procedure discounts
  • Simple discounts and mark up
  • Special prices by billing group or individual item
  • Bill to separate invoice
  • Nominal splits
  • Uninsured items
Automated accounting

Management reporting on demand

Monitor and access profitability in real-time. Compucare offers full visibility of all contracts, including price, standard price and applied discounts – with complete reporting; so you have total transparency whenever you require it.

Features include:

  • Manage follow on contracts
  • Flag purchasers and contracts as “on stop”
  • Set effective from and to dates
  • Specify when the contract is available for selection, for example outpatients or inpatients, males or females, adult or child


Smarter scheduling, easier compliance and faster billing.
Are you ready for Compucare?

Arrange a demonstration and see for yourself how the right Hospital Information System is beneficial to your success.